10 Posts


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Markdown, Python, and Flask

Markdown, Python, and Flask

Generate web pages with with a bit of Markdown and Flask.

Python Exceptions

Python Exceptions

Handle errors gracefully with Python's try and except statements.

Python Functions

Python Functions

Organize and reuse your code with functions.

Dictionaries and Sets in Python

Dictionaries and Sets in Python

Collect and process data using dictionaries and sets in Python.

Python Lists and Tuples

Python Lists and Tuples

Collect and process data using lists and tuples.

Control Flow in Python

Control Flow in Python

Make decisions and branch the flow of instruction with if statements and for loops.

Python Operators and Input/Output

Python Operators and Input/Output

Use Python operations to perform numeric and string operations.

Getting Started With Python

Getting Started With Python

Learn the basics of programming in Python.

Install Python

Install Python

Python can be installed on several different systems.

The Python Language

The Python Language

Python is one of the most popular programming languages to learn.

9 Posts


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Structs in Go

Structs in Go

Learn how structs work in Go.

Maps in Go

Maps in Go

Learn how Maps work in Go.

Loops in Go

Loops in Go

Loop through data in Go.

Conditional Statements in Go

Conditional Statements in Go

Controlling program flow with conditional statements in Go.

Arrays and Slices in Go

Arrays and Slices in Go

Data collections in Go.

Basic Data Types in Go

Basic Data Types in Go

Let's learn about data types in Go.

Getting Started with Go

Getting Started with Go

Let's get started with the Go programming language.

Install Go

Install Go

Install Go and VS Code to start programming in the coolest modern langauge.

The Go Language

The Go Language

Go is a great programming language to learn for building very fast, solid web applications.

6 Posts


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HTTP Exceptions in FastAPI

HTTP Exceptions in FastAPI

Learn how to handle errors in FastAPI.

Documentation in FastAPI

Documentation in FastAPI

FastAPI automatically documents endpoints using the OpenAPI standard.

Routing in FastAPI

Routing in FastAPI

HTTP request methods tell the server what type of action should be performed.

Path and Query Parameters

Path and Query Parameters

Pass variables into the URL when making requests in FastAPI.

Up and Running with FastAPI

Up and Running with FastAPI

Set up a virtual environment and install FastAPI.

What Is FastAPI?

What Is FastAPI?

FastAPI is one of the best Python web frameworks for building RESTful APIs.

2 Posts


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LeetCode #2351 in Python and Go

LeetCode #2351 in Python and Go

Solve the First Letter to Appear Twice problem in Python and Go.

LeetCode #1 in Python and Go

LeetCode #1 in Python and Go

Solve the Two Sum problem in Python and Go.

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What is JSON?

What is JSON?

Store and transport data with JSON

What Is an API?

What Is an API?

Application programmable interfaces are what the internet function.

1 Post


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The Grace and Beauty of iA Writer

The Grace and Beauty of iA Writer

The best markdown editor on the planet!