The Python Language

Python is one of the easiest programming language to learn in the world today. Its simple and intuitive syntax resembles human readable English making it easy to read, write, and maintain.

Universities used to be the only school level where students could learn programming, but as Python became more popular and accessible, children are now learning programming concepts in class and after school programs.

Python was created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum who wanted a language that was:

  • easy and intuitive
  • free and open source
  • understandable as plain English
  • suitable for everyday tasks

Python is a multi-purpose language. It’s used across many different domains of knowledge and by professionals like software engineers, mathematicians, data analysts, scientists, accountants, software testers, network engineers, and web developers at places like NASA, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Instagram, and more!

It’s hard to tell how many people use python, but it’s a lot. Some estimates have suggested there are over 10 million Python developers in the world.

Python is easy to use. Its simple syntax makes the language easy to read and easy to understand. For those new to programming, Python is a great first language to learn. There are even kids in elementary school creating YouTube videos about it.

Python is cross-platform. You can build and run the same script on any computer that has Python installed. This includes Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as other platforms like IBM’s mainframe operating systems, Unix, and Apple’s iOS and iPadOS mobile devices. This saves development time because the same program doesn’t have to be rewritten or recompiled for different operating systems.

Python has a huge user base. The number of options out there to learn Python is enormous. YouTube is great for watching free crash courses, programming tutorials, and class lectures. Learning platforms like Coursera provide courses on Python. One famous example is the Python for Everybody Specialization offered in collaboration with the University of Michigan. And there are the endless programming blogs that turn up with Google searches too, like this one!

Python is very versatile. There is a huge ecosystem of frameworks, packages, and tools available for the language. You can use Python to build web applications, solve data science problems, create image recognition software, automate mundane tasks like web scraping and file management, develop the internet of things with Raspberry Pi devices, and countless other things too.

Python is scalable. Big technology companies like Google, Netflix, Instagram, and others use Python to create software that handles massive amounts of traffic. If you’re interested in a Big Tech career, learning Python becomes an essential bullet point on one’s resume.

Why Learn Programming?

Should everyone learn Python? In a world that’s become dominated by all academic disciplines proclaiming their own self-importance, it can be hard to prioritize where to put our efforts. However, programming is one area that stands out.'

Programming gives us a new way to look at the world. A programming language is like another way to describe reality. With it we gain a new perspective on what technology is and how it works, which leaves us better prepared for interacting with technology at home and in the workplace.

Programming nurtures creativity. It helps us bring our ideas and imaginations out into the real world. People can synthesize their mental images into animated graphics, websites, and video games with their programming skills.

Programming boosts computational thinking and problem solving. Learning to code helps people understand complex problems by breaking them down into individual steps that are easier to follow and digest. The more they practice their programming, the better the skills become.

Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.

Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist and cosmologist

Programming improves resilience. Coping with failure is an essential life skill to have. When programming, everyone learns that failure is an everyday thing that we can learn from and that there are often many different ways to solve the same problem.

Programming can be a fun and social activity. You get to see the results of your programming almost immediately and you can often share your work with others. Virtual competitions like hackathons can even bring people together and build teamwork skills.

Programming also prepares you for careers of the future. Half of all high-paying jobs now require the skill, and that number is projected to grow. It’s never too late to learn a new thing. Check out our reading list of Python topics or visit any of the learning platforms below to learn more about Python:

You can also continue our Python reading list where we share programming tips using the Python language.